3 R D  I N T E R N A T I O N A L  C O N F E R E N C E  O N
E X O T I C  N U C L E I  A N D  A T O M I C  M A S S E S

July 2-7, 2001
Hämeenlinna, Finland

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Third Circular



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Local Information




All those wishing to contribute to the conference are requested to submit an abstract of their contribution by April 15th, 2001. This request includes the invited speakers. The abstracts are one-page long and should be written according to the model which is given below. The abstracts should be sent as pdf or postscript files to enam2001@phys.jyu.fi. Alternatively, hard copy submission is also possible. The postal address is:
           Department of Physics
           University of Jyväskylä
           P.O. Box 35
           FIN-40351 Jyväskylä

The Book of Abstracts will be handed out to all registered participants during conference registration. The electronically submitted abstracts will be available on the conference web site after May 15th.

Abstract Format
All text (including title, references, etc.) must fit within a frame with the dimensions of 15 cm x 23 cm (6" x 9"). The figures below illustrate this, indicating the minimum required left, right and top margins; both for A4 and Letter paper sizes. Within the text area, no special formatting/layout is required.